Belly, Baby, & Mother Blues

Postpartum depression is a stigmatized and stereotyped phenomenon that many women suffer. Because of the hormonal, physical, and life changes that accompany childbirth, some experts say a majority of women feel emotional within a few days of welcoming a new baby.

Sometimes the depression can last for weeks or months or surface weeks or months later, and it can impair the functioning of the mother and the family. Women may experience a wide range of feelings and their behavior can change significantly. This is postpartum depression, and because having a baby is supposed to be one of the happiest times of their life, it can be difficult for someone to admit they are suffering from it.

Brandy Behne, a well-educated, articulate mom from Alaska, has written a book about her struggles with postpartum depression. Belly, Baby, & Mother Blues: A Candid Journey Through Postpartum Depression, was published this summer:

I had the opportunity to talk to Brandy about her book, and I found her candor, determination, and empathy for others refreshing. She said:

As I sought help (with PPD), I kept running into roadblocks and stigmas. I have a B.S. in Psychology and a master’s in Human Relations and knew something wasn’t right, but the hospital wouldn’t listen to me. After finally getting help, I made it my mission to seek to change the stigma associated with PPD. So I turned to writing with the hopes of helping one woman who might be suffering silently. The more I started talking about it with friends, more were coming to me saying how they suffered with it too.

If you or someone you know is struggling with postpartum depression you might find this book helpful. Its straightforward, honest, practical tone is intended to help other women with PPD to be unashamed about their condition and victorious over it. It lets you know that you are not alone and can get through this. It is also a great read for mothers-to-be and the family members who support them.

Check it out!


What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

-George Eliot


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